In between shopping Stiles’ summer trends and sipping dirty shirleys in town, us at Stile did set aside time for some summer reading. And I am here to give you the roundup of all of our favorite books from this summer. From romance novels to fashion icon autobiographies to insightful self-help books, here are some of our favorite books from this summer:

I N  F I V E  Y E A R S - R E B E C C A  S E A R L E


I am an avid reader and find most of my book inspo through Reese’s book club. My most loved read of the summer is “In Five Years” by Rebecca Serle. This book is about a successful 25 year old lawyer trying to navigate her twenties with her career and love life. A beautifully moving novel about love and friendship, you will finish in one night!!

C A N ' T  H U R T  M E - D A V I D  G O G G I N S


Nina’s favorite summer read is an autobiography by former Navy SEAL David Goggins. Nina describes this as being a book about mental toughness and how much people can go beyond the barriers of what people think they can and can’t do. A truly incredible book about self-improvement, strength and resilience.

B O O K  O F  M O O D S - L A U R E N  M A R T I N


Maddie’s fave book of the summer is an insightful one - “The Book of Moods” by Lauren Martin. In this book, Lauren Martin writes about how she turned her worst emotions into her best life. This book dives deep into the nature of negative emotions and why people feel the way they do.


T H E  C H I F F O N  T R E N C H E S - A N D R E  L E O N  T A L L E Y


Alleigh loved this memoir from style icon André Leon Talley. André was a major fashion journalist, stylist, creative director and editor of Vogue Magazine. Our buyer for Stile and fashion extraordinaire, Alleigh, loved learning about Andre’s growth into the fashion industry and how he made a name for himself.


T H E  5 A M  C L U B - R O B I N  S H A R M A


Our CEO and visionary, Candice always has the best book suggestions! Candice says she has always been an early bird, and loves reading books that help improve her day to day routine. This book teaches how to “own your morning and elevate your life” and discusses the benefits of starting your day early. 


V O G U E  M A G A Z I N E


Tori loves to keep it chic and simple. As the stylish gal she is, her fave summer read is Vogue Magazine! Tori loves keeping up with the latest fashion trends and incorporating them into her everyday wardrobe.

T H E  I N S P I R A T I O N A L  L E A D E R - G I F F O R D  T H O M A S


Alicia is currently in the midst of reading “The Inspirational Leader” by Gifford Thomas. This book is full of inspirational quotes and ways to inspire your teams’ hearts and minds. Go Alicia!!


 T H I S  I S  H O W  Y O U  H E A L - B R I A N N A  W I E S T


Reannoin loves this book because she says it is important as we get older to prioritize healing from past traumas rather than trying to run away from them, as if those feelings and moments are just going to go away on their own. This book helps you think about things on a deeper level and sets you up to live in a better state of mind for your future self!


S A F E  H A V E N - N I C H O L A S  S P A R K S


Kelly is a big fan of Nicholas Sparks and her all time favorite read is Nicholas Sparks’ Safe Haven. A classic love story with a suspenseful twist. If you haven’t read this one, it is a must read!


We want to know what books you loved from the summer! DM us to share @stile_perlei!