Holidays are the time to bring out your singing voice and dancing shoes. We've been loving our holiday playlists in the stores this year! Here are my top ten holiday songs for any winter occasion!

F O R  W R A P P I N G  P R E S E N T S

For wrapping gifts for my friends and family, I love to listen to Underneath The Tree by Kelly Clarkson.

F O R  S I P P I N G  H O T  C O C O A

For sipping hot cocoa by the fire, I always put on Have Yourself A Merry Little Christmas by Frank Sinatra. The perfect classic to bump to.

F O R  I C E  S K A T I N G

For ice skating in Dillworth Park, my favorite song is You Make It Feel Like Christmas by Blake Shelton and Gwen Stefani.

F O R  T H E  P O L Y A N N A  P A R T Y

For the polyanna party, my friends and I always put on All I Want for Christmas Is You by Mariah Carey. It always gets my friends and I up and dancing.

F O R  H O L I D A Y  S H O P P I N G

When I'm driving to the mall to get my holiday gift shopping done, I always sing along to Christmas The Whole Year Round by Sabrina Carpenter.

F O R  B A K I N G  C O O K I E S

For baking cookies in the kitchen, I love to listen to What Christmas Means to Me by 98 Degrees.

F O R  C H R I S T M A S  M O R N I N G

When I think of Christmas morning, I think of Oh Come All Ye Faithful. It is such a beautiful song to listen to when opening gifts next to my family.

D E C O R A T I N G  T H E  T R E E

When I'm decorating my Christmas tree, I have to listen to Rockin' Around The Christmas Tree by Brenda Lee.

F O R  T H E  H O L I D A Y  R U S H

For the holiday rush at Stile, we love to turn up Shake up Christmas by Train. It gets everyone in a merry merry mood.

F O R  P I C S  W I T H  S A N T A

For taking pics with Santa, my go to song is Santa Clause Is Comin' To Town by Bruce Springsteen.